Basic Information
  • name:YOU Conghui
  • title:Professor
  Personal profile
Conghui YOU, Ph.D, Professor, Supervisor of master student. 1997-2001, Bachelor's degree in biochemistry from School of chemistry and biotechnology, Yantai University; 2001-2003, Equal master's degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from School of life sciences, Peking University; 2004-2007, Doctor's degree in Genetic cells and molecule, Institute Pasteur and Versailles University, France; 2008-2014, Postdoctoral researcher in Department of biology and physics, University of California, San Diego, USA; 2014-2015, Associate professor of biology and excellent young teacher of Liyuan, College of Life Sciences and Oceanology, Shenzhen University; 2015 to now, Professor of biology, College of Life Sciences and Oceanology, Shenzhen University. Professor You is responsible for the teaching of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry for undergraduates. In 2014, she got an honor of "overseas high-level class B talent" of Shenzhen Peacock Plan. Professor You has engaged in the study of microbiology, molecular biology, quantitative biology for a Long time. Her present research interests are systematic and quantitative microbiological research based on physiological phenomena, exploring the signaling pathways linking metabolism, gene expression and protein translation in microorganisms including Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, etc. under various growth conditions. She has published research papers in world famous journals such as Nature, Molecular Systems Biology and Microbial Biotechnology. She is supported by lots of research funds, including grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key research and development projects of the Ministry of science and technology, Key projects of the Department of education of Guangdong Province.
  Selected Publications

1Zongjin Li, Qing Pan, Yunzhu Xiao, Xingxing Fang, Ruoping Shi, Chunxiang Fu, Antoine Danchin,Conghui You#. Deciphering global gene expression and regulation strategy in Escherichia coli during carbon limitation. Microbial Biotechnology.

2.Conghui You, Hiroyuki Okano, Sheng Hui, Zhongge Zhang, Minsu Kim, Carl W. Gunderson, Yiping Wang, Peter Lenz, Dalai Yan, Terence Hwa. Coordination of bacterial proteome with metabolism by cAMP signalling. Nature.

3Rutger Hermsen*, Hiroyuki Okano*Conghui You*, Nicole Werner, Terence Hwa. A growth-rate composition formula for the growth of bacteria on mixed substrates. Molecular Systems Biology.

职称 Professor 邮箱
个人简介 Conghui YOU, Ph.D, Professor, Supervisor of master student. 1997-2001, Bachelor's degree in biochemistry from School of chemistry and biotechnology, Yantai University; 2001-2003, Equal master's degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from School of life sciences, Peking University; 2004-2007, Doctor's degree in Genetic cells and molecule, Institute Pasteur and Versailles University, France; 2008-2014, Postdoctoral researcher in Department of biology and physics, University of California, San Diego, USA; 2014-2015, Associate professor of biology and excellent young teacher of Liyuan, College of Life Sciences and Oceanology, Shenzhen University; 2015 to now, Professor of biology, College of Life Sciences and Oceanology, Shenzhen University. Professor You is responsible for the teaching of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry for undergraduates. In 2014, she got an honor of "overseas high-level class B talent" of Shenzhen Peacock Plan.
Professor You has engaged in the study of microbiology, molecular biology, quantitative biology for a Long time. Her present research interests are systematic and quantitative microbiological research based on physiological phenomena, exploring the signaling pathways linking metabolism, gene expression and protein translation in microorganisms including Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, etc. under various growth conditions. She has published research papers in world famous journals such as Nature, Molecular Systems Biology and Microbial Biotechnology. She is supported by lots of research funds, including grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key research and development projects of the Ministry of science and technology, Key projects of the Department of education of Guangdong Province.